Light, Beauty & Magic

A Private 6-Week Immersion That Changes Your
Way of Being In This World For Good

Are You Currently Challenged By Translating the Bliss, Creativity and Peace Your Soul Craves Into Your Day-to-Day Life?

It's not that you don't want to expand your spiritual capabilities, you just get side-tracked!
You've already done a lot of personal development, 
but you're having trouble with...

 Reading and studying ways to commune with the spiritual realm, being inspired by possibilities, without actually doing them in real life?

 Getting stuck in researching how to work with celestial and elemental energies, trying to understand how to apply them directly to your unique aspirations?

Maintaining your spiritual high that fades when you return to usual life, relentlessly searching for the next temporary fix to appease your spiritual thirst?

Imagine What It Would Be Like If You Felt Confident
Walking Between the Worlds of Spirit and Matter,
More Grounded and Closer to All That Is?

Generate and sustain more positive energy that supports and encourages you on your path every day:

 Clearing any blocks you may have to developing your human cosmic talents and stepping into a state of flow with the force of love and purpose.

✔ Accessing your innate spiritual capabilities instantly with ease, accomplishing more with less effort, being inspired, focused and intuitively guided toward success.

Invoking the light of self-understanding, finding beauty in your experience and allowing more magic to fill and direct your life while raising the planetary vibe.

That's why I created this Light, Beauty and Magic immersion...

Or continue reading...

It's time for you to have a high vibe mentor by your side with your best interests at heart so you can fly higher and travel farther, much more rapidly!

Explore integrating your spiritual side in this physical world in a way that feels light, fun and easy in a friendly, confidential, non-judgemental space.

We work from a higher perspective, utilising elemental and celestial energies to put harmonious practical actions in place. Playful curiosity combined with imagination is highly recommended which allows potent possibilities to enter your field of awareness.

I designed Light, Beauty and Magic for spiritual seekers who want to commune with the unseen realms and ancient forces in a profound manner that once you experience it, is life-changing.

Allow me tell you more about it!

Viscerally recognise and feel your connection with Source energy and higher realms.

Elicit positive internal change, practicing what you already know to be true in your core.

 Maintain consistent cosmic connection for more fluidity and divine synchronicity.

Here's How The Process Works:


The LBM Initiation

We schedule your initial session, and then I send your Welcome Packet and prep work which brings me up to speed before our LBM passage so we can jump in right away and make magic.


An Immersive Passage

We meet for six consecutive 45-60 minute Zoom audio-only sessions to guide your exploration of celestial and elemental energies (in the sanctum of your own inner perception). This fortifies self-trust in the intuitive space you are cultivating within, ingraining it in your body on a molecular level.


Cosmic Resonance

Right after each call, I remotely send you a 30-minute Giza Crystal Reiki blast, for a sublime energy attunement to assimilate your experience. Your astrological chart, as unique as your fingerprints, acts like Spirit GPS carrying your soul blueprint from the moment you were born for what you wanted to be, do and have in this incarnation.


Consistent Vibrational Presence

After the Reiki grid, I prepare an LBM summary, which is a document detailing points and ideas imparted during each session. It will give you supportive practices unique to where you are at that you can put into immediate action in straightforward, sustainable style. 

Your Light, Beauty and Magic Immersion Includes:

1:1 Zoom Audio-Only Calls

Share your concerns and desires in clear, open dialogue so we identify and challenge what may be holding you back. We work toward positive change and create the biggest impact from our time together.

Guided Akashic Pathworkings

An instrument for higher consciousness where I walk you through a customised imaginal landscape that creates internal shifts with instant transcendent effects.

Implementation Support

Email me for troubleshooting and advice throughout the duration of your mentoring passage between calls so you can proceed with clarity, confidence and ease.

Aligned Action

Maintain momentum between calls with suggested spiritual practices or quantum techniques tailored to your specific goals. May include simple ritual, journaling prompts and more, based on what arises.

Giza Crystal Reiki

I work remotely, with clear quartz encoded in the Queen’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza for 48 hours, facilitating energy work that transcends the cognitive mind with immense spiritual power.

Ease of Reference

You get outlines and recordings of our calls to refer back to whenever you like so you don’t need to scramble making notes. Stay serene and enjoy visiting mystical realms.

The investment for
Light, Beauty and Magic is
$2,500 USD

The first step is to apply!

Click the button below to book your free, no-obligation "Meet & Greet Call"

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

What Fellow Lightweavers Are Saying:

At the time I decided to book a coaching passage, I was at a place in my life that was very good, but I really felt like ‘something’ was missing. I had gotten away from my magical practice and wanted to find my way back. 

I wanted to optimise my time in getting ‘back on track’ and accelerate that process, so the 1:1 coaching really appealed to me, plus I could do it from the privacy of my own home, across the world.

I also felt I had some ‘blocks’ to making progress to where I wanted to be spiritually, and felt that Stella would be able to help facilitate moving past that (which she did)! I was able to clear a roadblock that had been plaguing me for many years. 

Stella is SO EASY to talk to and a WEALTH of knowledge. She always seems to know the right answer! 

The biggest takeaway from this experience is knowing I was always on the right path, even though my beliefs and thought processes may not be (ok, definitely are not) considered to be the ‘norm’. I am so grateful for the time I spent with Stella. The weekly check-ins and doing the work between our sessions was very good for me in terms of the commitment to myself and spending time on myself and what matters to me. 

I don’t feel like I’ve done the coaching and that’s it. My time spent with Stella has set me up with a great roadmap, tools, and resources for continued growth and learning on my journey to live my life with authenticity.

Ann, Atlantic, Canada

Another Happy Client! |

Before the coaching passage I felt a little directionless and lost having just broken free from old restrictive beliefs that caused me to be deeply unhappy. 

I had opened up to a completely new world of ideas and thoughts, and I had all this newfound energy to invest in exploring my spirituality. 

The first half of this year, before my awakening I had been very emotional and down, and had lost the passion for life. Now a few months later, I am beginning to find my energy again thanks to these sessions. 

At first I was a little resistant to the calls as I was afraid that the advice given would be mundane or generic − like advice my friends or family would tell me. However I quickly learnt that the advice and knowledge that Stella passed on to me appealed to both my spiritual and logical side, which I absolutely loved! 

I couldn’t really see major shifts however I just felt that much better every week. Having a coach and a guide allowed me to not only release some of my burden through conversation, but also helped me greatly in seeing how I could overcome these issues. 

I know that I walk away from this passage more confident in myself and my abilities, as it helped me see and understand the power that I have to create the magic in my life. 

What I loved the most was it felt so safe and non-judgemental. I find it hard to discuss my feelings and issues and this was something that I had to get used to. Stella was so warm and accepting and worked with me to find solutions. This is something that I am forever grateful for, as I could feel myself open up more and really get the most out of the sessions. 

Even some of the stuff that would have sounded so crazy had other people heard it, felt so normal and natural with Stella and this allowed me to feel comfortable asking more questions. Stella is like the wise magical friend that I have always been looking for! 

The experience was much more than anything I expected as it helped me take action, stay on track and really felt as if I was doing something magical though subtle and easy to implement techniques. I felt heard and understood and would literally be able to throw anything at Stella and she would always have an answer. 

I have been able to gradually break free from always being worried, stressed, future-focussed, overwhelmed, helpless and basically every other negative thought! I have also discovered how to handle my emotions much better, which has allowed me to flow with life a lot more. 

I am feeling much more empowered, strong and magical as I know that all these techniques and knowledge are now inside of me, and that I will be able to use these in my life whenever I need them. 

This has been an invaluable experience that has helped me navigate the start of my spiritual journey. I am finally beginning to really understand who I am and why that is. Because I have developed such an open and warm relationship with Stella, I will definitely be back in future.

Isobella, Victoria, Australia

This Service Is Perfect For You If:

✔ Your spiritual awareness is expanding, you're thoroughly enjoying the journey, and open to developing your interdimensional abilities

✔ You desire a richer, deeper alignment with your own inner guidance for more peace and happiness, to be a positive influence in this world

✔ You want to learn how to “operate” your human cosmic talents to interlace your everyday life with light, beauty and magic

✔ You realise what got you to this particular point in your spiritual journey, won't take you to where you want to go next

It doesn't matter if we are in different time zones

My "office hours" are Tuesdays — Saturdays:

(EDT) USA & Canada 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(PDT) USA & Canada 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
(GMT) UK 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(CET) Europe 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
(AWST) Australia 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
(AEDT) Australia 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Alternative appointments by mutual arrangement.

Flexible and Highly Confidential

You can be on your couch or at your kitchen table anywhere in the world in your own comfortable environment.

You won’t bump into your neighbourhood gossip coming out of my consultation room.

No need to find a sitter for your children, to travel to my office or find a parking space!

I would love to assist you to journey to higher realms and anchor your direct experience of them in your being so you retain the magic for a lifetime.

Let's get started!

The first step is to fill out your application form.

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

Another happy client! |

I would have paid Stella twice what she was asking as I feel that I have truly learned what I have been seeking for a long time. 

Going through the processes helped me be more consistent in my daily practice, as a result all of my senses have been heightened. 

I’m feeling more confident on what I am doing and how I am doing it. Stella has such a soothing voice that I very much enjoy listening to. 

I would recommend Stella to anyone seeking a teacher who explains things so it makes sense to you. I had no doubts about joining, and I couldn’t wait to begin. Stella is a wonderful facilitator!


South Carolina, USA

I feel more alive than I’ve felt in a long time. Stella, you have created an amazing journey that made me feel in touch with the elements and with myself and for that, I’m grateful.

I could feel each of the elements individually and all of them together reacting within me and me within them.

Now I understand that regardless of where I am, I can always invoke them, feel their power and as a consequence, my power. 

I am going to repeat listening as many times as needed in order to really absorb everything that you say. Stella, you are amazing. 



I had some doubts about the process being hokey versus actually helpful. I’m glad it was the latter Stella!

After the first download I could see the wealth of knowledge provided and feel the support from Stella personally.

I was a total beginner and very interested in the topic but had no idea where to start.

This gave me a wonderful foundation providing me with the direction I needed, and also sparked my interest to continue my education and experimentation.


The concepts shared were very easy to understand and above my expectations.


California, USA

Another Happy Client! |

I feel more connected and in tune with nature and our universe. 

From the minute I signed on, I felt the powerful energy and intentions Stella poured into the work. 

The way Stella presented the container, and how wonderful it all felt, helped me embrace my inner magic.

The practices gained have totally changed and improved my spiritual practice.

Michelle Martin Dobbins

South Carolina, USA


How do I know if you're the right mentor?

Answer: 99.9% of my clients work with me because they trust me. Everything I advocate I have learnt and experienced for myself first-hand so I know it works. I don’t purport to know everything, always learning through furthering my education. I take being in the highest energy for my clients very seriously so that I can offer you the best experience.

Have more questions? You can contact me and I will be happy to answer them. (I answer my own email).


What if this doesn't work for me?

Answer: This process is your guide to accessing your creative cosmic talents. We never know when (or how) something will show up, but what we do know is, the more you engage this work, the more your sensitivity to higher realms and subtle energy increases, and the more palpable their presence becomes in your life.

In my experience with energy transfiguration I have come to know that there are very few instances where it is unable to bear some influence so even if we do not achieve the exact results we set out to obtain, we will still cast a favourable sway in your situation.

My focus will always be on what you can do to restore wholeness and activate your best self.

I haven't started my spiritual practice yet. Can I still work with you?

Answer: Yes, the beauty of this container is the potent intentional space held on our calls together. We all know life happens, taking attention off our divine soul connection. During our calls I guide you through a process I developed over decades to take your spiritual knowing to cosmic being, fast.  

Shifting a single limiting belief will release a torrent of creativity, insight and confidence. Our work together will also support you in cultivating a lifetime of connection, conscious intention and grounded spiritual practices.

Do you offer refunds?

Answer: No. As this is a bespoke service, supplies are used and time is spent therefore, I do not offer any refunds for any reason. No cancellations. No exceptions. Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this service, your purchase is final.

You can read my website terms and conditions of service here.

Ready to find out how you can perceive, understand and interact with this physical world in a new, powerful way?

I would love to quench your spiritual thirst for more soul-satisfying cosmic connection.

Let's do this!

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

Stella Seaspirit | Spiritual Life Coach + Reiki Master |

Stella Seaspirit is a spiritual mentor who helps people reunite with their soul wisdom so they can consciously explore a deeper bond with their interdimensional or spiritual nature.

She is a qualified holistic therapist, certified life coach, Usui Reiki master and holds a postgraduate degree in psychology.

Stella works with spiritual seekers using a variety of modalities and sacred rituals to help them connect to their intrinsic magic.